How To Shop Using the New Apple Store App

07/08/2010 23:49

Last week Apple released a new way to shop the Apple store: via iOS. Now you can purchase any Apple product you want just as easily as you would download an app. Great for you, bad for your bank account.

It’s definitely a great app, but just in case you’re wondering whether or not you really need to have the Apple store taking up space on your iPhone, we’ll walk you through the basic functionality and interface.


Multi-Touch Shopping

The new Apple store app is an excellent way to browse and purchase Apple products. It goes well beyond simply miniaturizing the online interface with a complete redesign specifically for iOS devices.


The Newest Way to Shop the Apple Store

As you can see above, the app starts you off in the “Featured” category where you can get a look at all the latest and greatest creations of those wizards at Infinite Loop.

To navigate the app, simply tap any of the five buttons along the bottom of the screen or select one of the products in the featured list.


Under the products tab you’re given a simple list of categories which are then subdivided into product pages. The bulk of the items are found under the “Mac” category, including all of the desktops, MacBooks, software and accessories.


The Products Tab

When you find the product you’re looking for, tap on it to see its dedicated page. Here you can choose between available models and drill deeper into one of five categories: Photo Gallery, Features, Tech Specs, What’s in the Box, and Warranty & Apple Care.


Features and Tech Specs


By far my favorite part of the app is the high level of integration with physical Apple Stores. When you tap the “Stores” tab, you are given a list of Apple stores in your area. Once you find the store you want, you can get directions, see their featured products and view any upcoming events.


The Stores Tab

You can also make reservations to get help at the genius bar and a number of other workshops or one-on-one meetings.


Making Reservations

Search and Cart

The search tab is pretty basic and allows you to find the product you’re looking for quickly and easily. The results are visual and formatted very similar to those on the full site.


Search and Cart

The shopping cart tab allows you to see your subtotal and remove any unwanted items. From here you can proceed to checkout and pay directly through your iTunes account. Now all that’s left is a solid week of staring out your window anxiously waiting for the FedEx guy to pull up!

Closing Thoughts

I was quite impressed with Apple’s new mobile store. The beautifully clean design and large crisp images very much mirror the web interface and the feature set is every bit as robust. It has definitely never been easier to engage in impulse Apple purchases from wherever you happen to be.

As I mentioned above, the integration with physical Apple stores is the feature that really won me over. I don’t exactly shop for new Apple products on a daily basis but it’s nice to be able to make a quick appointment at the genius bar to get some troubleshooting help right from your phone.


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