Getting Sounds From the Nokia N97 and E75

22/07/2010 23:25


Ring, beep, chime, buzz… These are the sounds that our Nokia E71 makes all day to keep us connected to the rest of the world.


It may seem like a minor thing but I actually took awhile to get all my sound notifications how I want them on my device. I’m pretty open with the ringtone that I use but my email, sms, chat, twitter, and alarm sounds all needed to be carefully picked. Before I go on about the tones that I use on my smartphone, I’ll show you some new sounds you can throw on your E71.

Over at The Symbian Blog, Vaibhav Sharma managed to extra the ringtones from both the Nokia N97 and E75 phones. All the sound files are available to use – everything from the alarm sounds to the random music tones (that I’ve come to hate). I really do enjoy most of the sounds that Nokia phones come with, but the music files they throw in are really bad and cheesy. I usually end up just sticking with the generic Nokia tune, just so everyone knows I’m using a Nokia. I’m actually using a Star Trek version of the Nokia Tune right now. If you want to try the Star Trek Nokia tune visit this article where Jeb has kindly hosted the file.

The files that Vaibhav extracted for us are packaged in a ZIP folder. I couldn’t get the N97 ZIP to open on my E71, but it opens just fine on the computer. Some of the sound files in both packages you’ll recognize as being the same on the E71, but a few are new. Luckily once you open the ZIP you can preview them right on your phone or from your PC using Windows Media Player. I ended up just saving the files on my memory card and renaming them to something like “Message5 E75” so you can differentiate them from the E71’s files.

Click here to download the files at The Symbian Blog, and keep reading to see what tones I use on my E71.

I think I finally got the tones how I want them. For all my notifications I needed them to all sound different, yet I want them discreet so only I know I got a new email and not the entire office.


Ringing tone: Nokia Tune or a mellow mp3 from my library. I usually change this up about once every few weeks just to keep me on my toes.

Ringing type: Ringing. If I put this on ascending I’ll end up missing the call.

Ringing volume: Level 4. The Nokia E71 is @#!*% loud! I have a LOUD profile if I’m in a loud environment, but most of the time Level 4 is good enough.

Message alert tone: Message 5 from the E75 package. I really like this sound since it’s not a beep or blare. Instead it’s some kind of discreet knocking, with almost a wet sound to it. I normally use the Message 4 sound that is like knocking on thin wood, but this E75 sound I enjoy much better.

Email alert tone: Chat alert. Yep, I don’t use one of the generic email tones. I think they are not discreet enough, instead I use the Chat alert file which is just about 1 second long and sounds like a pin drop.

Vibrate: On.
Warning Tones: On.

Other Phone Sounds

Instant Messenger: To connect to Gtalk, Yahoo, AIM, and MSN on my E71 I use Slick Instant Messenger. Now that I mention it, I don’t believe I’ve reviewed that application for you guys yet. Try it out! I just kept the New Message sound the same and turned off all other sounds.

Twitter: I’ve already showed you guys Gravity. If you update to the latest version you can now have Twitter notification sounds on your E71. In this app I have Reply sounds and Message sounds turned on. For Reply I use the beep.rng file and for messages I use beeptwice.rng. Both of which are at level 6.

Alarm: Clock 2 from N97 package. This is nice! Try it out, it’s very soothing and great to wake up to.

Calendar: Default tone.


That’s just about all the sounds that my Nokia E71 makes. I’m curious to see if any of you have a similar setup on your E71. Do you like any of the new ringtones that from the E75/N97?


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